Although most files are safe, there are always a few that may be infected with a virus, or may be malicious programs that try to damage your computer. Since it's impossible to know in advance whether a file that is being sent to you might cause a problem, following a few common sense rules can help:
Only accept files from people that you know and trust. You should never accept files from people you don't know, and never accept files without knowing what their purpose is, even from someone you know.
Files ending in .BAT, .COM, .EXE, .DLL have the most potential to cause problems. You should not accept such files from people you don't know, or download them from web/ftp sites which don't appear trustworthy.
Aliases, Popups, or Scripts that can be loaded or typed into your IRC client can also cause problems. mIRC, and most other IRC clients, allow you to create scripts that perform useful functions, but these can also cause problems if misused. You should make sure that you know and trust the source of these files before using them.
Certain types of Document files can contain macros which are run by your Word Processor when you open the document to view it, so these are also potentially harmful. You should make sure that you have macro-warnings turned on in your Word Processor. It is also safer to view any documents that you receive in a plain-text editor first if possible.
If you have an anti-virus program, you should use it to scan all files that you download before you use them. However, IRC is a highly interactive medium where information spreads very quickly, so using an anti-virus program does not guarantee that a file will be safe since it takes time for anti-virus programs to be updated.
From mIRC®V6.31 Copyright 1995-2007 by Khaled Mardam-Bey
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